Thank you for visiting our website - Nishikawana Ocean Park, a diver's paradise located in Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture in Tokyo region!
Nishikawana is a treasure trove of underwater life nurtured by the tidal currents, and the undulating submarine topography is a perfect habitat for many creatures, including the "KUE" (longtooth grouper).
One of the most representative creatures of Nishikawana is the KUE. KUE are called "MOROKO" in this region, and are known as a precious fish among fishermen and anglers.
The sight of a giant MOROKO over a meter length swimming at a leisurely pace is a sight to behold. In some cases, as many as 10 MOROKOs can be seen in one dive. Nishikawana is known as a "Japanese Cod Hole" and is the dive point where you can see the most MOROKOs in Japan.
The idol of Nishikawana, as same as MOROKO, is HIGEDAI (long barbeled grunter). You can see them everywhere in the diving area, and at the famous diving spot "Buiji-dani" (V-shaped velley), you may see nearly 20 HIGEDAIs lined up in a row.
From early summer to autumn, schools of chicken grunt cover overhead, and their numbers are overwhelming. Large migratory fish such as HIRENAGA-KANPACHI (almaco jack) or HIRAMASA (amberjack) often appear.
In the autumn to spring, OOSE (Japanese wobbegong) sometimes appear, which delight foreign divers because it is the only species at Japanese oceanside.
Green turtles are seen, and sometimes giant green turtles. Giant KOBUDAI (Asian sheepshead wrasse) and TENGUDAI (Striped Boarfish) also appear, much to delight divers.
In summer, schools of TOBIEI (eagle ray) wildly, and large migratory fishes and toropical migratory fishes (abortive migratory fishes) can be seen, making dive spots full of surprises.
The boat point, with a maximum depth of 25 meters and an average depth of 15 - 16 meters, is various submarine topography such as large rock reef and sandy bottom, create a paradise for marine life.
The numerous large creatures and the overwhelming number of fish will make you fall in love at Nishikawana.
After the boat dive, you can dive in the eelgrass beds in the harbor additionally. It is a very enjoyable time to observe the creatures that live in the eelgrass beds.
The white Mediterranean-style facility of Nishikawana Ocean Park has comfortable facilities for divers, including a spacious resting area, a terrace with a great view, shower rooms, and equipment washing areas.
The sunset from Nishikawana is a spectacular sight to behold on an after-dive. On a fine day, you can see the beautiful Mt. Fuji. Our staff, who is fluent in English and have experience as a dive guide in Palau and the Philippines, will be happy to assist you.
We are welcome to visit and dive in the sea of Nishikawana.
Thank you,
Nishikawana Ocean Park